Millenials are the most lucrative yet most elusive market right now. Old, time-tested ways of selling products don’t necessarily work with this fresh crop of now grown adults with an annual buying power of over $200 billion!

1. Keep It Simple

Millenials are more often than not multitasking and spreading their attention across a range of devices, even when winding down and watching tv at the end of a long day. Long-winded ads or graphics that are too busy will get lost in the whirlwind of media being thrown at them between their phone, tv and laptop. Get to the point, or punch out a message that will make them want to find out more.

2. Be Personal

Sell things without selling things. Instead of highlighting your large inventory, lengthy features of your products or business financing terms, show experiences and how customers will FEEL using your products or services. Connection is key, and your brand needs to speak to millenials on a personal level.

3. Communicate Quickly

This relates to keeping it simple, but getting your message across as fast as possible is just as important. Millenials may leave ads running, but they do not really pay attention. Grabbing their interest in seconds is crucial in making a lasting impression!