Stop and take a moment to look at your material. Who are you reaching out to? Does everyone feel welcome to buy your products or services? Are you tone deaf?

There was a local church that put up a huge banner one year trying to get more people in the community to feel welcome in their services. The large text read, “Rethink Worship Service,” and was plastered on top of a photo of an all white family, dad on the left and mom on the right, with two beautiful little blonde girls, all sitting down in a pew, their mouths wide open in song, looking bored out of their minds. Driving past, one would wonder what they should actually be rethinking about worship services at this place.

Carefully choosing images, graphics and verbiage is important in the message you’re trying to get across. Sometimes it’s helpful to have a professional direct you in how to better reach a wider range of people instead of the same group you’ve always marketed to. All communities are comprised of a wide variety of people from different backgrounds and walks of life. Being mindful of everyone you reach makes your company more relatable, welcoming and human!