Since I’ve had many questions about this recently, I thought I would write a quick blog post about my process when it comes to web design. There are a lot of components to building a website from start to finish, and I set up many things on the back-end to make sure your website looks spectacular on the web!

Of course, not any two clients are the same, and there are variables in the process for every project. Regardless of minor differences, such as sites that have a store and simpler ones that do not, my process for getting your new website ready to go is very easy. With a little bit of communication and teamwork, we can get your business a beautiful and functional website up and running in no time!

The Paperwork

Any good project starts with an agreement. We will begin by outlining the scope of the project, usually with a proposal, and figure out exactly what you need from your website. Once we determine the scope, I will send you a contract and invoice for the 50% deposit fee. In order to get started, you will need to make the deposit and sign the contract first. The documents are all online and payment can be made electronically as well.

Getting Organized

Next step is filling out my Website Building Form! This helps me gather information from you to build your website. You’ll need to upload your logo, any images for the website that we will be using, and copy for the pages. If you are starting from scratch or purchased my branding or copywriting services, then your form will look slightly different. Either way, this step is all about getting the content together for the website to get built!

Your Domain and Hosting

I require clients to set up and purchase their domain and hosting accounts for me to get the backend set up. The easiest way possible to do this is to set up an account with Bluehost and provide me with the login information. I recommend the PLUS plan, because of the unlimited storage space available for your site to use, as well as unlimited email accounts. If you need help with this step, I can set it up for you as well, depending on how comfortable you are with this step.

Proofing Your Website

I will start by designing and building your home-page, and send you a proof of that first. If you approve of the layout and design, then I will build out the rest of the website and have you proof the site in its entirety. There are 4 rounds of proofing: 1 for the home-page and 3 for the rest of the website. Here communication is essential! Tell me exactly what you like and don’t like, and let me know early on if something big needs to be changed. If we go beyond 4 rounds of proofing or change the scope of the project, you will be billed hourly.

Publishing Time!

Once everything is approved, I will perform the final checks on my end, and send you a Goodbye Packet that has your login and essential website info, as well as how to make changes on your page. I offer ongoing website maintenance services, as well as blog writing and content creation services, so if you are interested just let me know at this time. But other than that, your beautiful website will be live and ready to use!


Hopefully this article was helpful in explaining my entire process for building a new website. If you have any questions or would like to get started on a brand new website for your business, please let me know! Click here to send me a message.