Email marketing is a great way to reach new leads and stay in touch with regular customers! Did you know that more than half of people living in the U.S. check their email over 10 times a day? Getting information to your customers where they are most likely to see it seems easy enough, but you need to get those email addresses first! Here are 10 tips to help build your email list and keep it growing.

1. Create a new contest or giveaway
Excite your customers with sweet deals that they won’t be able to refuse! Requiring an email to access gated content or requiring customers to enter their email on a landing page to get offers sent to their email works very well.

2. Make a Facebook offer that requires an email address
Promote free content on your Facebook page and collect emails from everyone who clicks to download. Make sure you offer something that will actually be useful to your audience in order to attract their attention. Using a strong Call to Action (CTA) is also very important to make sure your customers know exactly what to do.

3. Create awesome email content
This tip will help keep your open and click rates high consistently. Once you get a list, it’s important to keep people engaged and opening your emails by using effective subject lines, professional designs, and relevant content that will actually pique your customers’ interest and make them want to learn more.

4. Add “Sign-up” call to action on your Facebook page
This can be added as a button right in the Cover Photo area of your page. (Edit your page’s call to action to change this feature). You can use this feature to direct customers from Facebook to a landing page that requires an email address to access certain content.

5. Keep lead-capture forms short and sweet
Nobody wants to give out all their information to a new company they haven’t established a relationship with. Just sticking to something simple, like first name and email, will keep you from scaring potential leads away.

6. Pop-up links for email signups across your website
Create free content for customers to sign up for, and create a CTA by having the offer pop up on popular pages of your website! Try not to be spammy and offer something of value. It might take some experimenting with this one, but it’s a great tool for building your list once you get it right!

7. A/B test different campaigns
Getting to know your audience is a learning process. It takes trial and error to figure out what really appeals to your customers and what doesn’t. Keep track of results on your email campaigns, and if something isn’t working, test out something different!

8. Host an offer with a partner/influencer
Have another company or someone with a large following on social media promote an offer to reach a wider audience than you normally would! This can be fun if you choose strategically.

9. Collect emails in your store
If you have a brick and mortar location, another great way to get emails is to ask customers during the check out process. This is really great for creating segmented audiences, because you can target them in future emails based on what they purchased!

10. Create a quiz that collects emails
You can have fun with this one! Using tools like Interact helps you create fun quizzes that make customers enter their email addresses before getting their results.

And there you have it! If you are interested in learning more about email marketing and how you can get started creating campaigns for your company, be sure to check out this page to get started.